Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Nandanavana Farms

Hi Everyone!

It's been a busy few days here for the MILLEE team here in Mysore. And if the primary school we are studying is where all the magic is happening, Nandanavana Farms, where we are staying, is where that magic is made.

Nandanavana Farms is a beautiful farm house located near the majestic Lalit Mahil Hotel. It's got three bedrooms, one is reserved in Divya's honor (who we desperately wish would come out here on a daily basis), and the other two comfortably sleep the 7 boys who are currently here. It's not as crowded as you might think, but definitely cozy for this all-american boy.

The house comes with a pretty cool staff. Here's our cook. He feeds me food which is one of the primary shortcuts to my good favor. Needless to say, he's one of my favorites.

The house comes with a lot of great recreational features, like this tree house and swing set which we've totally taken full advantage of! I've always wanted a tree house.

Here you see some of the gang furiously coding away. We've since provided them with a table so that it's slightly more ergonomic.

On a daily basis, we are discovering something new. For instance, the sense of accomplishment that you get when you realize that the internet has gone down, yet you are still alive and life can continue smoothly. Or, perhaps, the joys of discovering that you can make ice in the kitchen freezer.

Anyways, the gang's all here and we're all doing great. Hope everyone's summer is going well!

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